This evening’s post is a review of my previous week with lots of pictures and very few words…
I met Cody, the Siberian Husky, on my neighborhood trail for the first time this week…
And then tripped over this ice formation in the tunnel. The tunnel is dark so I couldn’t see the ice without my camera flash.
It’s taken about six months for this restroom at the park I run though to be built and it’s still not open…
Joseph and Daniel picked up Inca Kola at the local Peruvian chicken place. It’s like bubble gum in a can!
I cross-trained on my spin bike twice this week…
Thursday night we celebrated Daniel’s 24th birthday at our local Japanese Steak and Seafood House. Yes, my baby is 24…
Friday morning Bill and I met friends at Starbucks at 6:30 for coffee hot chocolate…
And later stopped at Subway for lunch before running errands. We usually share a foot-long turkey and ham…
Friday evening we celebrated my one-year blogiversary with lemon drop martinis and good friends. I don’t like to brag, but I make the world’s best lemon drops! Bill was kind enough to take a couple of artsy photos for me!
Saturday morning I ran with two other Cruisers…
Posing with Jerome and Beth on a dry section of pavement…
Hand placement is everything!
This afternoon I made this calorie-laden dip for the Super Bowl It’s become a family tradition to have this Tex-Mex dip. Tomorrow I will return to eating healthy…
It’s time for me to end this picture show and go watch the Super Bowl. We’re cheering for the Broncos since we lived in Denver when were first married. I’m also pretty excited to watch the commercials and the half-time show with the Red Hot Chili Peppers!!!
- Questions:
- Who are you cheering for in the Super Bowl?
- What’s your favorite football food?
- Are a Chili Peppers fan?
Mmmm. Hot chocolate. I hope you got whipped cream! And I want one of those lemon drop martinis!!
Come visit and I’ll make you one… After a nice long trail run, of course!
I genuinely don’t care one whit about the Super Bowl. Thankfully, neither does anyone else in Singapore!!
I think nachos are one of my favorite game-watching type snackie foods, though – I prefer a pretty simple style, though – refried beans, salsa, and cheese – broiled – with lettuce & tomato on top. Mmmmm……
And finally – I’m pretty sure that I could never be allowed on your spin bike. Is it really parked on a CARPET? Man, that carpet would be nasty by the time I was finished with a cycling session! I leave a puddle under my bike, every time… [In fact, when I was doing my instructor training, one of my fellow trainees – a big, strong career instructor guy, easily 1.5x my weight – had a contest over who could make the bike/floor sweatier. It was a tie.]
I have a mat that I haven’t put under it yet because replacing the carpet is the last phase of the basement remodel, and we’re doing that in the spring. I keep the basement at 60-62° when I’m training clients or working out so not as much sweating is going on. When you come to lead me in a spin class, I’ll put a mat down under the trampoline! 😉
I think I will need to come by to test out your lemon drops! My mom can’t believe her twins will be 24 this year either! ;P
The Cruisers have been talking about a martini party for years. Maybe this is the year to make it happen!
I didn’t think I was going to watch the game since my Patriots were knocked out, but I did and rooted for the Seahawks because A) I hate the Mannings and B) a friend of mine is from Seattle and that’s her team. That wasn’t even a game, that was a joke! LOL
The game wasn’t much, but we had our sons both at home and we enjoyed sitting around, eating snacks, laughing at the commercials, and spending family time together. Even though the game wasn’t any good, the evening was a win in my book! 🙂
I love posts with lots of pictures! Yesterday was totally my cheat day also! I love the Chili Peppers. I went to a concert when I was like 30 weeks pregnant… amazing!
I had an opportunity to see them at Virgin Fest (2006), but chose a 22-mile training run over going to the concert. In hind-sight, I regret it. I heard that The Who were absolutely amazing at that same festival.
Umm, are you a professional cook or something?! Between the lemon drop martinis and the dip, it looks like you are! You’re invited to the next party I have at my house!
HaHa, You’re too flattering! To answer your question, no I’m not a professional cook, but I’ve had years of practice. I hate to show up to a party empty handed, so invite me and see what I bring! 😉
So SO sorry that you were rooting for the Broncos and had to watch that game. I don’t know what it is – I’m an athlete, a mom, a sister – but it made me sick to my stomach to watch Peyton’s team play the way they did. I just felt so sorry for them. Ironically, the FB pictures of him “calling his mom” made my feelings seem VERY appropriate!
Your dip looks YUMMY! 🙂
I love Huskys. I also love Samoyeds. We had one when I was young.
Fortunately, I didn’t see the pictures of Peyton calling his mom… As I said to Courtney above, “We had our sons both at home and we enjoyed sitting around, eating snacks, laughing at the commercials, and spending family time together. Even though the game wasn’t any good, the evening was a win in my book!”
Fun pics! Was the dog w/ his owner? If not that would freak me out!!
Yes, Cody was with his owner and she said he was very friendly, and it was okay for me to pet him. I agree… If I’d run upon him without an owner I might have thought he was a wolf! HaHa!