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Somebody Has A Birthday Today!

I have a deep-seated weariness that I haven’t experienced in a very long time.  It’s the kind of weariness that I used to experience after I spent the day cutting the grass, spreading mulch, and planting flowers, after going on a long run with the Cruisers earlier in the morning!  The only difference is that […]


Valentine’s Love

Love is buying your favorite chocolates for your Valentine, and then trading! HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY! And the winner of the $35 Road ID e-coupon giveaway is Sue Tate!  Sue, I will be contacting you via email to give your e-coupon number to you.   Congratulations! If you didn’t win, you can order your very own […]


Happy Blogiversary, Deb Runs!

It’s hard to believe that a year has passed since I hit submit on my first blog post on January 31, 2013.  So in celebration, today’s post will be fun facts about Deb Runs, and a look back at some of my favorite posts… Most viewed post:  Training Minions, Or You Most views in one […]


Happy New Year!

Let me be the first to wish you a… Bill and I decided to ring out the old year with a night-time run through our neighborhood so we could enjoy all of the beautiful Christmas lights one more time before people started taking their decorations down during the next few days. We donned our headlamps […]


Book Night… A Favorite Tradition

Before I tell you about “Book Night,” I have to follow up on wedding dress shopping with Julie, her mom, and sister on Saturday.  We went to two different bridal stores, had lunch, and in general had a great time!  Oh yeah, and Julie found the perfect wedding dress!  Once Julie picked out her dress […]


And That’s a Wrap!

Warning:  This post contains thousands of fatty calories, so pull a seat up to our dining room table and let’s talk Christmas food… I like coconut milk, and I love anything that combines mint and chocolate, so how could I pass this up at Harris Teeter when I shopped for our Christmas spread?  At only […]


Merry Christmas!

I’ll rely on Pinterest today to help me wish you a very Merry Christmas!   And with a little help from YouTube…    Merry Christmas!   Questions: Are you going to be with family today? If you don’t celebrate Christmas, what do you usually do on December 25 since most businesses are closed? Did you […]


You Could Say There’s A Theme Going On Here!

Just for fun, I’m going to take you on a quick tour of our main Christmas tree.  I suppose you could say there are a few themes going on here and of course running is one of the big ones! I worked on this stuffed Santa during my lunch break for weeks as a surprise […]


It’s Starting To Look A Lot Like Christmas

It’s starting to look a lot like Christmas… inside at least!  The temps got into the high-60’s this weekend so all of our snow has melted and after tomorrow’s relatively warm rain, it’s supposed to be dry through the week.  That means no white Christmas this year! Inside is another matter, though!  I got pretty […]


Picking Out The Best Tree In The Forest

As I’ve mentioned before, I grew up on a dairy farm.  The wooded acreage was mostly made up of deciduous trees, but there were evergreens sprinkled throughout.  Every Christmas, my dad took my brother and me with him to find the perfect tree.  Sometimes my mom came with us, but usually she stayed home and […]


Thanksgiving Weekend In A Nutshell

I’ve already told you how my Thanksgiving holiday weekend started with a recap of the Ashburn Farm 5K.  Now it’s time to tell you all about the rest of the weekend! After the race and the post-race breakfast, we chilled for a little while and then got ready to host Julie’s family for Thanksgiving dinner.  […]


Being Thankful

While I’m preparing to run in our local turkey trot this morning, celebrating post-race by hosting our annual champagne breakfast for the Cruisers, and then busily preparing food for our Thanksgiving feast, I must take time to say a prayer of thanksgiving for my many blessings… Have a blessed Thanksgiving, my friends.  I’ll be back […]


Have You Hugged A Runner Today?

Today’s post will be short and sweet, but I would be remiss not to wish all of my readers a Happy Hug A Runner Day! The above photo  shows exactly why I do what I do!  That’s Jessica (one of my clients) in the photo above…  In June 2012 she told me that she wanted […]


A Birthday Letter To Myself

Today is my birthday, and I absolutely love birthdays! At my age I celebrate the whole month of November because I’ve earned it. To celebrate my 56 years of living on this magnificent earth, I thought I’d write a birthday letter to my many different ages… Dear 1-year old self…  Keep running, but for heavens […]


Goodbye For Now, Dad

Last Thursday I wrote Just What the Doctor Ordered, and talked about my stressful trip to Tennessee to help care for a loved one. I didn’t mention that I left sobbing. I didn’t have that feeling in my gut, that feeling that I’d never see him alive again, but I was afraid of what might […]


Coaching, Weddings, and Reunions

I’ve wanted to become a Road Runners Club of America certified coach for years, but I never saw a class offered near me until this summer.   By the time I found it, it was already full.  I got on RRCA’s email list so that I would be notified of all new courses and could […]


Why I’ve Been MIA

Have you missed me this week?  Instead of writing my blog as usual in my spare moments between training clients, running, cooking, cleaning, and life in general; I’ve been picking out rubber gym floors, tile, cabinets, sinks, counter tops, blah, blah, blah…  Here’s what my gym looks like right now.  Hopefully in a few more […]


Happy Birthday, Taylor!

Until yesterday I hadn’t heard of a young lady named Taylor, but I haven’t been able to get her out of my mind since I read her story on her sister Laura’s blog, Write the Happy Ending.  I originally read about Laura’s plan to run in the Thunder Road Half Marathon blindfolded in honor of […]


The Proposal

Joe and I are getting married and I could not be more excited! Are you ready to hear about the proposal?!  As crazy as this may sound, it all begins with the gift Joe got me this past Christmas. In this envelope, was a riddle.  In short, the riddle stated that over the next year […]