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Weekly RunDown: May 22 – 28 / Finding the Right Balance

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links   Figuring Things Out A busy week kept me off of my bike so I wasn’t able to give my knee a try after Saturday’s little flare-up during the Tour de Madison. I ran Tuesday morning, but that didn’t go as well as hoped and after about a mile […]


Giving My Back a Little Rest I intentionally didn’t run this past week because my lower back/SI joint area had been feeling a little wonky from sitting on a little stool or crosslegged on the floor for 15 hours over the weekend installing hardware on our kitchen cabinets. I’d worn a back brace for support, […]


Whirlwind Week Honestly, I don’t even know where this week went. I had a couple of new clients which always takes a little extra time, but seriously, that doesn’t explain the whirlwind week. I wrapped up my spring flower planting and completed a huge indoor project, relieved to  have both behind me. And while I […]


Disclaimer: This US Endurance Gravel Grinder Nationals and Mini G recap contains affiliate links…   About the Event When Bill and I first heard about the US Endurance Gravel Grinder Nationals and Mini G coming to Loudoun County, we knew we wanted to be a part of this event which would be held on the […]


Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links   Mother’s Day Plans Happy Mother’s Day to all of the moms reading my blog today. I hope you’re having a fabulous day doing exactly what you love doing. My request was for dinner on the patio at Parrando’s, my favorite TexMex restaurant; however the weather this weekend isn’t […]


Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links   Changing Weather During a Drive Across the Commonwealth Trees with pastel blooms giving way to green leaves lined the interstate as I made my way across the great Commonwealth of Virginia through fog, cloud cover, sunshine, high wind, rain, and finally back to sunshine. The wind and rain […]


Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links   Spring Cycling Season The Gravel Grinder National Championships will be held in just two weeks and there’s even an event called the Mini G for average cyclists like me. Several of my friends and I are registered and I’m looking forward to my first bike race. Two weeks […]


Happy Passover, Happy Easter, Happy Spring Yesterday while out on my bike ride, I wrote in my head a clever introduction into today’s blog post and now I can’t even remember what it was about… So instead, I’ll wish you a happy Passover, a joyous Easter, and a wonderful spring!   Overview of the Week […]


Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links   Rain, Rain, and More Rain I can’t pinpoint exactly what caused me to have a lackluster week, but I felt off even though I was completing my workouts as scheduled. I’m sure a week of rain with no sightings of the sun all week long until Friday didn’t […]


Disclaimer: This 46-Mile Upper Tampa Trail and Tampa Bay Causeway Tour recap contains affiliate links…   Finding the Perfect Route At least one bike ride while visiting family in Florida was a must and I left designing the route in the capable hands of my husband Bill. After a little research, he landed on a […]


Weekly RunDown: March 27 – April 2 / Fitness Bazaar Shenanigans

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links   Set up at the Fitness Bazaar The Fitness Bazaar at the 55+ community where I teach a few classes was rescheduled from three weeks earlier to Saturday afternoon. It was scheduled from 1 to 4 PM with the first hour being very busy before petering off. At 3 […]


Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links   From the Farm to Florida Last week I was on vacation for a few days at the farm and this week I was on vacation in Florida. What a difference in the workouts I was able to complete this week versus last week…   Overview of the Week Before […]


Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links   Staying Busy I had a wonderful visit with my mom at the farm, but stayed incredibly busy while there helping her do things around the house and chauffeuring her to a couple of doctor’s appointments. Even though I took several rest days from my usual workouts, I truly […]


Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links   Working Out with Eldin Following up on last weeks remodeling update… Who remember’s the TV show Murphy Brown from the 80’s and 90’s? If you remember the show, you remember her painter Eldin who seemed to be a permanent fixture in her home. Well, that’s what it’s starting […]


It’s no secret that I miss running marathons and the associated long runs so when I saw the prompt for this week’s Tuesday Topics, “Would you rather do a short or long run?”, I jumped at the chance to reminisce about the good ole days of 20-mile training runs.   What’s Best for My Body […]


Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links   The Gym is Gonna be Stylin’ We’ve had contractors in our basement for the past two weeks doing a variety of jobs – most time consuming has been putting up beadboard wainscoting. After a few days of seeing how amazing the finished product was going to look in […]


Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links   Indoor Cycling Bust Remember when I talked a few weeks ago about starting to train for a couple of spring cycling events? Well, I’m not really feeling motivated to ride inside and have been pretty pathetic with time spent on the bike. I’m sure I’ll pay the price […]


Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links   Getting Blown About I think Momma N is a little confused and thinks we’re already into March because this past week brought with it a healthy dose of wind. The air temperature was all over the place, but the wind was constant and a few days were downright […]


Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links   Spring Fever in the Making It may have been short-lived, but this past week’s mild weather gave me a whooping dose of spring fever after spending some time outside gardening, running in shorts, and spotting a few Robins. This morning’s snow squashed the fever, but I’m hopeful there […]