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Feetures Socks Winner!

Congratulations to Sue from This Mama Runs for Cupcakes for winning three pairs of Feetures socks from my most recent giveaway!  I suggest asking Sue for assistance when picking the numbers in your next lottery ticket purchase, because Sue also won a Road ID from my February giveaway! Sue’s on a roll! Thank you Feetures […]


Ellie’s Self-Made Ultra Marathon

I first met Ellie at Miles’ Pancake Run in June, but had the opportunity to get to know her a little bit better at Julie’s bridal shower, bachelorette party, and then the wedding when Ellie was one of Julie’s bridesmaids.  Ellie and Julie ran track together in high school, have stayed close friends, and ran […]


Voting On The Run And An Ultra (November 3 – 9)

This past week… Monday I was pretty surprised on Monday that my calves were still sore from our trail run on Friday.  I walked around a bit gingerly, lifted weights, and rolled out my legs. Tuesday I met my MRTT friends on Tuesday morning at 5:30 for a 5-mile run at a 9:30 pace.  Since […]


Staying Focused And On Track During The Holidays

It’s time for Friday Five linkup with DC area bloggers Courtney at Eat Pray Run DC, Cynthia at You Signed Up for What?!, and Mar at Mar on the Run!  Be sure to stop by their blogs and say hello! With Thanksgiving just around the corner, this week’s theme is Five Ways To Stay On Track / Healthy During The Holidays… […]


McAfee Knob Trail Run – Hope You Like Pictures!

With the trail running bug luring Bill and me back to the mountains, we took advantage of being in Southwestern Virginia last Friday, and ran to the top of McAfee Knob.  Well, make that – we ran, with a few hiking breaks! We were pleasantly surprised that the leaves weren’t too far from peak, and […]


Sharing The Feetures Socks Love!

As my running friends and Instagram followers know, I love my Feetures socks!  From the very first time I tried on a pair, they have become my absolute favorite for running and everyday wear.  The woven arch support on my Elites makes my feet feel fabulous, and since I’m on my feet while working, my […]


Another Week, Another Great Trail Run (October 27 to November 2)

After hurting my foot running trails at Hungry Mother State Park, I took most of the first part of last week off to let it recover.  Bill and I were heading to Blacksburg on Friday morning for our last trip of this football season, and we really wanted to stop near Roanoke and run up […]


Halloween Memories

It’s time for Friday Five linkup with DC area bloggers Courtney at Eat Pray Run DC, Cynthia at You Signed Up for What?!, and Mar at Mar on the Run!  Be sure to stop by their blogs and say hello!   This week’s theme is Halloween, so I though I’d share a few of my Halloween memories… 1.  Growing up, we […]


Trail Running To Our Favorite Summit, Molly’s Knob

When Bill and I are in southwestern Virginia, we love to go to Hungry Mother State Park for a trail run.  There’s a beautiful trail around the lake that we enjoy running, but we really love the challenging  run up to Molly’s Knob.  I remember hiking to the top of Molly’s Knob once when I […]


Ah, The Dangers Of Trail Running (October 20 – 26)

While between training cycles my running isn’t quite as exciting as  it was during last summer and the fall.  Still, I’m going to keep posting my weekly, recaps more as a log for me than an entertaining story for my readers, but I’ll try to make it interesting.  Follow along if it interests you, if […]


Five Reasons To Run An Ultra

It’s time for Friday Five linkup with DC area bloggers Courtney at Eat Pray Run DC, Cynthia at You Signed Up for What?!, and Mar at Mar on the Run!  Be sure to stop by their blogs and say hello! This week’s theme is Five Reasons to Run ________ (a marathon, an ultra, a 5k, whatever you fancy)… I’m am choosing to […]


Exercises To Keep Me In Top Running Form

On Monday, I wrote about participating in a 3-D Gait Analysis at George Mason University’s SMART Lab, and yesterday I talked about my results.  Today, I’m sharing the exercises they recommend I add to my routine to help prevent injury, and maximize my running potential. I’ve included a few videos to some of the exercises […]


My Most Memorable Running Experience:  The Day I Ran My Marathon PR

I’m linking up again this month with Amanda at The Lady Okie and Becka at Sunshine To The Square Inch for their Runner’s Tell All monthly linkup.  Be sure to pop over to their blogs to see what they are up to, and to see who else is linking up. This month, Amanda and Becka’s […]


One Year Later, And Missing My Dad

A year ago today I lost my dad, and at times it feels like it was forever ago, and at other times it seems like just yesterday that I was laughing at his corny jokes, giving him fitness advice, and talking Monday morning quarterback with him. Shortly after Dad died, I wrote the following tribute […]


3-D Gait Analysis At George Mason University’s Smart Lab

When fellow runner/blogger and Ragnar teammate Anne contacted me about the possibility of teaming up with George Mason University’s SMART Lab for a 3-D Gait Analysis, I jumped at the chance.   I immediately checked out their website to see what sorts of fitness testing was offered.  From the SMART Lab website and staff I […]


Life Between Training Cycles (October 13 to 19)

I’m caught in lala land, and I kind of like it!  Last Sunday, Bill and I ran the Hokie Half Marathon, and with that, I finished my summer/fall training cycle.  I will probably keep my running to a steady base of three relatively easy runs and one long run per week, until the end of […]


Five Favorite Fitness Tunes

It’s time for Friday Five linkup with DC area bloggers Courtney at Eat Pray Run DC, Cynthia at You Signed Up for What?!, and Mar at Mar on the Run!  Be sure to stop by their blogs and say hello! This week’s theme is Favorite Fitness Tunes…  I smiled when I saw today’s prompt, because I knew I’d need help with […]


2014 Hokie Half Marathon Race Recap

After a summer of very serious training, our big day finally arrived, and the 2nd Annual Hokie Half Marathon was upon us! Soon after getting up, I drank two large glasses of water, ate a banana, 1/4 of a bagel with a very thin layer of peanut butter, and a few homemade sweet potato fries.  […]