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How To Throw A Successful Party When You’re In Class All Weekend

Throwing a party is all about organization… and delegation; especially if you’re not at home all weekend, and will be arriving home only 30 minutes before your guests arrive! Bill and I have a summer kick-off barbecue every Memorial Day weekend and invite about 60 families.  It started off about ten years ago with four […]


Remembering Our Nation’s Heroes

Today’s post is a replay from last Memorial Day weekend… On this Memorial Day weekend, let us not forget those who fought and paid the ultimate sacrifice so that we might live freely in this beautiful country.   May God bless our nation’s heroes buried at Arlington National Cemetery; and we must not forget those who have […]


Connecting The Dots

Just for the heck of it, I put little red dots on this body map to represent where I’ve had some of my basal cell carcinomas and my melanoma removed.  Can anyone decipher the code?  I thought about drawing lines from each dot to the next to see if there were any subliminal messages like, […]


My Blog Has Been Hijacked!

Recently my blog has been hijacked by throwback race recaps and skin cancer posts.  Seriously, how have you survived without knowing my every move? I’m not sure why it’s been so important to me to chronicle every marathon; but it has, and it’s been a blast digging through my old race pictures, talking to Bill, […]


Carter’s Run And Family Fun Fest Recap

I was out of town this past weekend, and as much as I would have loved it, I wasn’t able to participate in Carter’s Run.  If you remember, I introduced you to Carter back in April, and this was the big weekend his family and friends had prepared for all year.  I’m sure they’ve already […]


What To Expect At Your Full Body Check:  A Visit With Dr. Ha

Three times a year I see my dermatologist Dr. Ha for a full body skin and lymph check. I’ve been seeing him since about 2000 after my mom suggested I have a dermatologist look at a flaky place over my lip. It was precancerous and he froze it off, but in the process of the […]


Mother’s Day:  I Was Trained By The Best

Today is Mother’s Day and I have to admit that I have a pretty cool mom.  I’ve always said that Mom was a women ahead of her time.  When she and Dad got married she was a teacher with a two-year business degree.  A few years after I was born, she knew that if she […]


That Odd Looking Spot Sure Doesn’t Look Like Melanoma

WARNING Graphic Picture Near End Of Post A flat brown spot showed up on my leg about ten years ago and I dismissed it as an early age spot. The next time I saw my dermatologist, Dr. Ha, I had him take a look at it.  It seemed benign and he wasn’t concerned at the […]


Confessions Of A Tanning Goddess

It all started when I was about sixteen years old…  I wanted a beautiful golden tan instead of my pasty white skin. I decided to take care of the problem one Sunday afternoon.  I put on my bikini, grabbed a beach towel, a kitchen timer, and headed out into our back yard for a boring […]


2004 Potomac River Run Marathon Recap

In celebrations of today’s 11th annual running of the Potomac River Run Marathon and Half Marathon, I’m recapping when I ran the 2004 marathon and Bill ran the half.  When we ran the race, it started and ended at Belle Haven Park in Alexandria and ran along the Mount Vernon Trail next to the beautiful […]


A Run Through Great Falls Park

I’ve been trying to meet up and run with Logan of Mountains and Miles since last fall.  We had a couple of runs planned in October but my dad got sick and I was out of town.  We signed up for a trail race together this spring, but Logan aggravated her IT Band at a […]


2006 Frederick Marathon Recap

In recapping the 2006 Frederick Marathon, I must first mention that there have been three races that I registered for, but didn’t run… There was the 2000 Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run when Bill and I woke up to a light snow and let the sweet call of our warm bed pull us back in. […]


It’s Fit Mama Friday On Fine Fit Day

Today I am super excited to be featured on Carly Pizzani’s blog Fine Fit Day, and to be placed alongside so many other fit mamas!  Please hop on over to her blog and check out Fit Mama Friday, and while you’re there, check out Carly’s other great articles about living a healthy lifestyle! Carly is […]


This May, Please Learn From My Mistakes

May is Melanoma Awareness Month and throughout the month I’ll be posting various articles, stories, pictures, and links that relate to skin cancer prevention and early detection. Some of the articles I have planned are (Note: edited to include links): Confessions Of A Tanning Goddess That Odd Looking Spot Sure Doesn’t Look Like Melanoma What […]


If All Weekends Could Be So Fun…

Sometimes you have a weekend that’s just perfect!  This past weekend Bill and I went to Blacksburg for the Spring Maroon and White Game.  All the way home we kept talking about how much fun we had!  There’s just something about Blacksburg that makes us both so happy; and we’ve always said that if we […]


2001 Big Sur International Marathon Race Recap

Good luck today to all of the runners participating today in the 29th Big Sur International Marathon!  Back in 2001, Bill and I met our friends Miles and his wife Jeani in California to run this bucket-list marathon. Big Sur advises that this will not be a PR marathon for runners; in fact marathoners need […]


Students Knocking Out Melanoma

As you all know by now, bringing awareness to skin cancer is something that I am very passionate about, and since May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month I have several related posts planned for next month.  Last year I ran in the TKO Melanoma 5K, and as always, wrote a race recap about my experience.  […]


The Carter Behind Carter’s Run

Carter’s Run is more than a just a race…  Yes, there’s a 10K, a 5K, a kid’s fun run, and there’s even a Family Fun Fest to help entertain the little ones; but the event is much more than just a fun time for families, it’s an opportunity to honor a sweet little six-year old […]