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Thinking About Boston Today

Today I will be thinking about Boston… I’ll be thinking about the runners… I’ll be thinking about the spectators… I’ll be thinking about the volunteers… I’ll be thinking about those that put themselves in harm’s way to keep others safe… And I’ll be thinking about every single person that crosses the finish line… Because today, […]


Baskets, Church, Brunch, And Filets

We woke up to a beautiful spring day and found that the Easter Bunny had left basket for Bill and the boys… We attended 7:30 AM mass… We came home, goofed off, and then had a simple brunch… I took a thirty minute nap… We made filet Mignon for dinner… And then… We had cannoli […]


An Unofficial Marathon And The Annual Easter Bunny Hop Hits Five Years

Before the Easter Bunny Hop, there was Debbie’s Easter Bonnet Marathon (or, the DEB Marathon)… Back in 2003 Bill and I were training for the Frederick Marathon; but weren’t we always training for a marathon?  Anyway, the day before Easter we were scheduled to run our final long run of 20-22 miles before our taper.  […]


Friday Favorites And Feetures Socks Winner

Today’s post is a conglomeration of totally random stuff; some funny, some inspirational, and one thing that will be very exciting for one person…  Nothing ties together, so don’t expect any great transition sentences from paragraph to paragraph! One of my clients posted this on my Facebook… And speaking of Facebook, my FB friends know […]


RRCA Coaching Certification:  Here I Come!

Even though I hadn’t gotten an email notification, last week I instinctively decided to look on the Road Runners Club of America site to see if any coaching certification courses were coming my way.  I’ve been trying for what seems like forever to get in a class, but every time I heard about one, it […]


2014 Loudoun Half Marathon Race Recap, And A New PR

Today was the Inaugural Loudoun Half Marathon and as expected the Ashburn Area Running Club did a fabulous job in putting this first-time race together.  I first heard about this new race at the Reston Ten Miler and decided that I wanted to add it to my race calendar, mainly because the race proceeds were […]


2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, And 1999 George Washington Parkway Classic Ten-Mile Recaps

The George Washington Parkway Classic Ten Mile Run is one of Bill’s and my favorite races, and it has been a staple for area runners since 1984.  After being bused to the start at Mount Vernon, runners run back down the George Washington Parkway to Old Town Alexandria.  The first part of the race is […]


When The Whistle Blows, Off She Goes: Have You Done Your Job Already, Dad?

On Wednesday, Eli graciously allowed me to write a guest post for his blog, Coach Daddy.  Being the good southern girl that I am, I returned the favor and immediately invited him to come on over, have a rum and Coke Zero, and share some stories with my readers. Having raised two sons, I wanted […]


Feetures Socks Giveaway

It’s no secret to my running friends that I love my Feetures socks!  From the first time I tried on a pair about three years ago, they have become my absolute favorite for running and everyday wear.  The woven arch support on my Elites makes my feet feel fabulous, and since I’m on my feet […]


Guest Post On Coach Daddy

A couple of months ago Eli, over at Coach Daddy asked me to be a guest writer for his blog.  He gave me three prompts to choose from and I chose, What It’s Like to Be a Hokie.  I’m sure my friends and regular readers won’t find that very hard to believe, because if there’s […]


EX2Adventures SBYB Ten Mile Trail Run At Fountainhead Park Recap

Last fall Bill and I fell in love with trail running, but hadn’t run on any true dirt trails since we ran up to Molly’s Knob at Hungry Mother State Park in October.  We have lots of great paved and gravel trails right right outside our door, but to get to a good technical trail, […]


2008, 2002, 2001, 1999, And 1998 Cherry Blossom Ten Miler Run Recaps

In honor of tomorrow’s 43rd running of the Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run, I’m recapping the years that Bill and I ran this fantastic and beautiful race. I’ll even talk about the year that we woke up to snow on the ground and like the wimps we were, went back to bed.   About the […]


What Has 24 Legs And Can Run 199 Miles…

Question:  What is a Ragnar Relay? Answer:  It’s a team of twelve runners that are cooped up in two vans for approximately two days getting stinkier by the hour… Question:  What will you do for two days? Answer:  Run, eat, drive, wait; run, eat, drive, wait; run, eat, drive, wait (notice the lack of sleep) […]


New 10K PR And A Weekend Recap

I’m super excited to have kicked butt on my run today!  The air was crisp, the sky was blue, and the sun was shinning.  In other words, it was perfect weather for a 10K PR so I decided to put it all on the line and push myself like never before.  I’m beyond excited!  Of […]


Virginia Creeper Marathon Recap

In honor of the 16th annual Virginia Creeper Marathon in quaint Abingdon, VA, I’m recapping my adventures running the race back in 2007 when I joined about 100 other marathoners to run in a drizzly off-and-on rain. I signed up for the $10 race (yes, only $10) after one of my clients hired me to […]


2008 Georgia Marathon Recap

My friend Terri and I set a great plan into action for running the 2008 Georgia Marathon together. After scoping out the details, we decided to stay in the Omni Hotel so we could roll out of bed, take the elevator down to the lobby, walk out onto the plaza, and start the race! One […]


Finding A Gold Mine…  My Old Running Folder

Selfishly, part of my little corner of the internet is just for me.  Yes, I love to write about my my current running escapades with the Cruisers and MRTT friends, and about when I meet another blogger.  I write about what’s going on in my community, what I’ve eaten, and what races I’m training for […]


Moms RAN Our Nation’s Capital!

Please welcome my Cruiser and Moms RUN This Town friend Amanda as she takes you on a tour of DC during the recent Rock ‘N’ Roll DC Half Marathon.  Amanda is a busy working mom of two who joined the Cruisers over a year ago.  She ran her first marathon, the Marine Corps Marathon, last […]