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Oh, The Hustle And Bustle Of Christmas

It’s the most wonderful time of the year… and the busiest!  In addition to preparing for our own Christmas celebration that I like to think would make Martha Stewart envious, Bill and I have been attending various holiday parties. Last Thursday night we attended a work party thrown by a friend of Bill’s.  I’ve gotten […]


Picking Out The Best Tree In The Forest

As I’ve mentioned before, I grew up on a dairy farm.  The wooded acreage was mostly made up of deciduous trees, but there were evergreens sprinkled throughout.  Every Christmas, my dad took my brother and me with him to find the perfect tree.  Sometimes my mom came with us, but usually she stayed home and […]


2013 – My Year In Running

As the year draws to an end, it’s time to reflect back on 2013 and my year of running…   Best Race Experience… There were so many great race experiences this year, but I’ve got to say that the Hokie Half Marathon was my favorite for many reasons.  Any excuse that Bill and I have […]


Running For Taylor

Back in August I found Laura’s blog Write The Happy Ending and was instantly drawn to her and her sister Taylor.  I wrote about their journey on Taylor’s 15th birthday, after I went on a 6.2-mile run in honor of Taylor.  Laura’s love and devotion to her sister and her determination to bring awareness and […]


Look Out For That Flying Deer; And What’s The Difference Between A Runner And A Jogger?

You’re not going to believe this story that I heard about on TV, and later read about in this Washington Post article.  Last Thursday a marathon runner from Virginia was hit by a flying deer while out on a seven-mile run. Another woman was driving her small SUV down the parkway when a deer ran […]


2013 Run With Santa 5K Race Recap

  Earlier this week I started stalking the Run With Santa 5K website when I saw the messy weather coming across the country with an ETA in the DC area on Sunday morning about the time the race was to start.  This is what I found…   And then last night Weather Bug had this […]


Hot Chocolate 15K Race Recap

It was this weekend two years ago today that the infamous Hot Chocolate 15K came to the DC area.  Running and chocolate… two of favorite things; so how could I not sign up for this race?  We had seven Cruisers sign up, so we decided to spend the night before in Alexandria, just across the […]


Thanksgiving Weekend In A Nutshell

I’ve already told you how my Thanksgiving holiday weekend started with a recap of the Ashburn Farm 5K.  Now it’s time to tell you all about the rest of the weekend! After the race and the post-race breakfast, we chilled for a little while and then got ready to host Julie’s family for Thanksgiving dinner.  […]


North Central Rail Trail Marathon Recap

In honor of today’s 24th running of the North Central Rail Trail Marathon in Sparks Glencoe, Maryland (somewhere near Baltimore), I’m recapping Miles‘ and my 1998 race. The race is pretty small with less than 500 runners (I think there were closer to 300 runners when we ran it).  It’s run on an old railroad […]


“Come Back Here Turkey, I Just Want To Talk!”

Yesterday’s race was the first time ever that I had a DNF (did not finish)…  It was for a very good reason though, and if you stay with me for a few minutes, you’ll see why! Last week Bill and I signed up for the 20th Annual Ashburn Farm 10K, a race that we’ve run […]


Being Thankful

While I’m preparing to run in our local turkey trot this morning, celebrating post-race by hosting our annual champagne breakfast for the Cruisers, and then busily preparing food for our Thanksgiving feast, I must take time to say a prayer of thanksgiving for my many blessings… Have a blessed Thanksgiving, my friends.  I’ll be back […]


Gold Medalist!

I ran across these pictures a few weeks ago while digging through old marathon pictures.  The follow story still makes me smile whenever I think about it… Ginger had never been a runner, but decided that she would like to add that to her exercise routine.  She was a big fan of Jazzercise, which she […]


JFK 50 Miler Recap

In honor of today’s 50th running of the JFK 50 Miler, I’m recapping my race from 1997. Here’s just a tiny bit of history on how the race got started 50 years ago… In 1963, the race was just one of many 50-mile races started as an initiative by our president to get the country […]


Have You Hugged A Runner Today?

Today’s post will be short and sweet, but I would be remiss not to wish all of my readers a Happy Hug A Runner Day! The above photo  shows exactly why I do what I do!  That’s Jessica (one of my clients) in the photo above…  In June 2012 she told me that she wanted […]


Running In The Dark

This morning I was out the door of my mom’s house by 6 AM for my run.  No big deal considering at home I sometimes run at 5:30 AM.  Except for the bears, coyotes, foxes, bobcats, and skunks that I’m sure were lurking in all of the shadows…  You see, at home (in suburbia) I […]


Richmond Marathon Recap

In honor of today’s 36th running of the Richmond Marathon, I’m recapping my 2011 Richmond adventure; the good, the bad, and the ugly… As soon as Bill and I registered for the race, I ordered these shirts for us just because I loved what it said on front!  It’s still one of my favorite race […]


A Birthday Letter To Myself

Today is my birthday, and I absolutely love birthdays! At my age I celebrate the whole month of November because I’ve earned it. To celebrate my 56 years of living on this magnificent earth, I thought I’d write a birthday letter to my many different ages… Dear 1-year old self…  Keep running, but for heavens […]