Yesterday’s Cruisers’ W&OD Trail 45-Miler Ultra Marathon was a huge success and I’m pretty sure that everyone who participated had a good time! I’m sending out a huge thank you to everyone who helped me pull off this event with such great success! Here’s a little history that I haven’t shared with you on why I decided […]
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Author: Deb Runs
Wow! Today was a busy day with the Cruisers’ W&OD Trail 45-Mile Ultramarathon Training Event going on ALL. DAY. LONG! We got up at 3:30 to get ready and get the car packed to drive to the start of our run out in Purcellville, Virginia. After a minor little snafu, we got going and arrived […]
Here’s what various Cruisers will be doing all day tomorrow during our Cruisers’ 45-Mile Ultramarathon Training Run! After the run, let’s hope we don’t all look like this Tired Man statue sculpted by József Somogyi in Makó, Hungary. Today we went to combined party for Julie’s graduation (remember the pinata cake I made […]
I’m going to be pretty busy tomorrow prepping for the Cruisers’ W&OD Trail 45-Mile Ultramarathon Training Run and attending a fun social function (no, it’s not a run), so I might not talk write to you again until Sunday evening. I hope to be able to post tomorrow, but if I don’t, I promise to […]
As the Cruisers are approaching our W&OD Trail 45-Mile Ultramarathon Training Run on Sunday, I thought that today would be an excellent day to do a race recap for my one, and only, JFK 50-Mile Run. You’ll be able to tell by the running attire that this race was many years ago. Why, oh why, […]
This morning I went out on my run all alone… One of my BRF’s was at spin class and the other BRF texted me last night to say that her knee was bothering her. Without a tempo run or specific goal for today’s run I had trouble focusing, so I just ran and took a […]
For the last two months my friend/client Betty has volunteered at a local used book sale to benefit our county’s library foundation. While working she came across this book and naturally thought of me. I have absolutely no idea why! 😉 I have flipped through it and love that it is set up with a […]
How appropriately that on the last day of my $35 Road ID e-coupon giveaway, Bill pulled out new Asics to wear on our run. I was able to capture his ceremonial switching of his Road ID from his old shoes to his new shoes! Pull the Velcro strip apart and remove from the old shoes… […]
Contrary to almost all of my other race photos, both of my feet are not planted firmly on the ground in this picture from Thursday’s Firecracker 5K; however, I’m looking at my watch just like in all other finish line photos of me. All races in the =PR= Race Series have photographers out on the […]
Remember my post It’s A Runner Thing on Wednesday? Well, it got a little long and I didn’t get to post all of the crazy, strange, and funny things we runners are known to do, so I decided to finish it up today focusing on what we do at races! How many times have you […]
Happy Fourth of July! We started our morning off with a BANG by running in the =PR= Potomac River Running Firecracker 5K. They do things right, and today’s race didn’t disappoint! The following quote is from the race web site: This is a wonderful opportunity to give thanks and show your support to our local […]
We’re a quirky bunch, we runners… We do odd little things and don’t think twice about it, yet our non-running friends think we’re nuts. When I tell my friends something about a one of my runs and they don’t understand, I say, “Never mind, it’s a runner thing.” So buckle your seat belts, sit back, […]
Last week I wrote I’ve Become a Lazy Runner, and set some long overdue goals for myself. Run forever Continue to work on my running form (huge improvement from last year) Become competitive in my age group at our local 5K’s Do a tempo run one day per week Run four to five days a […]
I am so excited to team up with Road ID to give away a $35 e-coupon to one of my lucky readers… It’s like Christmas in July! And guess what, Road ID was so generous that they gave me two $35 e-coupons! That’s right, if you don’t win this e-coupon, you’ll have a chance to […]
It all started when my hubby sent me a link to the following Poop Flow Chart that he saw on iRunFar’s Facebook page. Those who know me well, know that this is my kind of humor! I decided that since this flow chart dealt with hikers, and not runners, I needed to make an addendum… […]
Before I get into the details of the Cruisers’ morning run, I need some help from you guys. I’ve been working on a post called “It’s A Runner Thing” for a little while and I’d like to publish it this week. I have been collecting photos and comments from friends about odd and quirky things we […]
1. Favorite afternoon snack…. Avocado 2. Favorite tweet I’ve received recently… Thank you Bart for your vote of confidence, but you kicked my butt. 3. Favorite new item that I pinned to Pinterest this week… Be sure to pop over to Janine’s blog The Purple Giraffe and check out her detailed tips for staying […]
Ten years ago today, Bill and I bought our third, and we say final house. We have no plans to move; we’ve acquired too much crap to ever move again we like it here that much! We burned a lot of calories over the three or four days that we moved, but never missed a […]
Top ten reasons not to ask a runner how their long run went: 10. There’s got to be something better you can do with that hour you’re going to lose. 9. Seeing black toenails grosses you out. 8. You’d rather not have them show you how they can no longer touch their toes. 7. If […]
I’m starting to think of myself as an inherently lazy runner. How can someone that used to run 1,800-2,000 miles a year (sometimes more), and now runs about 1,400 miles per year be lazy? Well, it’s the kind of miles I run. Since I quit coaching, I rarely go to the track for intervals (speed […]