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The Pancake Run That Wasn’t

This morning my friend Miles and several of the members of his running group (MilesRun) joined the Cruisers for Miles’ Annual Blueberry Pancake Run.  The Cruisers usually travel to Maryland for the event, but this year Miles wasn’t able to host it, so Bill and I volunteered.  My friend Rich surprised me with this banner […]


Cruisers:  A Group Of Friends With A Running Problem

Guess what the Cruisers are doing tomorrow!  I’ll give you a hint:  It starts with a group run with another very special running group.  Here are two photos that might help… Mmmmm….  chocky milk! My fingers are crossed that Tropical Storm Andrea will move out of here before dawn!   Questions: What do you think […]


Cruisers Celebrating The Right Way… With A Run

Just as Tropical Storm Andrea hits the east coast, my new Runner’s World Magazine arrived in the mail.  If I can train my clients tomorrow morning plus get my chores done, perhaps I can curl up during the rainy afternoon and read it from cover-to-cover.  This month is a special issue covering the Boston bombings.  […]


Happy National Running Day!

This morning I woke up like a little kid on Christmas morning because it’s National Running Day!  If you remember, 100 days ago today I started the countdown in my post Sunny Sunday!  First thing I’m going to do today is go for a run with my BRF Susan, and then later today I’m running […]


‘Born To Run’ Giveaway!

I hope you’re having a fabulous National Running Day!  Just to celebrate this special day, I’m going on two runs today!  This morning I ran with my BRF Susan.  We ran hill repeats and then ran our regular Wednesday morning route. The Cruisers are meeting for a special mid-week group run on the W&OD Trail […]


A Mid-Run Snack

I always look forward to my mid-June runs through our neighborhood because we have so many mulberry bushes growing wild along the trails.  I don’t assume, I KNOW my run will be interrupted with a mid-run snack! Here we go round the mulberry bush, The mulberry bush, The mulberry bush. Here we go round the […]


A Day In The Life Of A Trainer

THIS GUY ran all around my face BEFORE I knocked him off and stomped him with my foot!  My only regret is that I didn’t get a video of him running around in circles and me screaming!  Actually, I think my client screamed louder than I did.  She could see the spider.  I couldn’t…  BUT […]


Cruisers’ Hump Day Run!

This week is going to be the BEST. WEEK. EVER because I get to meet the Cruisers twice this week!  We are meeting on Wednesday at 7 PM to celebrate National Running Day!  We’re just going to meet at the W&OD Trail for an easy post-workday run with no fancy expectations.  A Wednesday run will […]


2013 Virginia Wine Country Half-Marathon Race Recap

Today was the third annual Virginia Wine Country Half-Marathon, and my third time running it!  The Cruisers met this morning at Doukenie Winery for the race and our mandatory pre-race picture.  Unfortunately, we couldn’t find Vamshi or Amit before the race. Little country roads lead to the winery and with so many runners trying to […]


An Expo, a Running Legend, and a Mid-Afternoon Wine Tasting

Usually I’m in and out of a race expo pretty quickly, but not today!  I went to the 2013 Virginia Wine Country Half Marathon Expo two times and stayed a total of almost three hours.  This morning I picked up Bill’s, Joseph’s, and my race packets right after the expo opened. While there I visited […]


2012 Virginia Wine Country Half-Marathon Race Recap

Yesterday I recapped the 2011 Virginia Wine Country Half-Marathon and promised to give you a review of the 2012 race today. If you remember, I injured my back in early February of 2012 and couldn’t run for the rest of February through most of April.  I started going out for walks in early April and […]


2011 Virginia Wine Country Half-Marathon Race Recap

On Saturday, eleven Cruisers will be running in Destination Races’ Virginia Wine Country Half Marathon.  The course runs through the beautiful countryside of Loudoun County and we couldn’t resist giving it a try in 2011, the first year it was produced.  We even put together a team, and despite thinking we wouldn’t be particularly competitive, we […]


What’s All That Stuff You’re Carrying?

I’m getting quite a kick out of looking at my “Marathon Check List” that I used to hand out to my running group just a few years ago.  The first thing that I noticed was “single use camera.”  Do they even make those anymore?  So right off the top, I’ll remind you to take your […]


A Celebrity in the Making

Today is Memorial Day and we must not forget those that fought and paid the ultimate sacrifice for us.  Our freedom comes at a great cost to many, and we honor them today.  Yesterday I wrote about Memorial Day and honoring our heroes, Remembering Our Heroes. Yesterday afternoon we had our annual Memorial Day barbecue […]


Remembering Our Heroes

On this Memorial Day weekend, let us not forget those who fought and paid the ultimate sacrifice so that we might live freely in this beautiful country.   May God bless our nation’s heroes buried at Arlington National Cemetery; and we must not forget those who have been wounded and struggle every day to live as they did […]


The Tortoise and the Hares

It’s the Memorial Day weekend and many of our Cruisers are traveling, so we had a lean group of three meet this morning for our weekly group run.  Add the cold temps to the mix and at least one other Cruiser decided to stay in his warm bed!  🙂  It was 45 degrees when I […]


Saving Buku Bucks – DIY Race Medal Display

In the past I’ve looked at race medal displays at race expos and have always concluded that they either cost more than I wanted to spend, or they didn’t have enough room to hold all of our finishers’ medals… For years we had our medals displayed side-by-side on a shelf in our library.   My […]


Yoga Blogger in the Making

Meet Jerome…  We ran together when I coached him at Worldgate Sport & Health; and he stayed with me when I retired from “official” coaching and formed our fun little running/social group.  In fact, he’s the one that named us the Cruisers. Over time Jerome was plagued with a number of injuries and eventually decided […]


Sooner or Later, We All Have a Crappy Run!

Here on the east coast we have a saying, “It’s not the heat, it’s the humidity!” Today was one of those days.  Despite my legs looking like they always do with pale white skin… and freckles… and scars… and stubble, today they were filled with lead.  I kept looking behind me to see if Susan […]


Marine Corps Historic Half and Carter’s Run 5K Race Recaps

Our Cruisers were busy on Sunday morning running in two very different and very important races:  the MarineCorps Historic Half and Semper Fred 5K, and the Carter’s Run 5K. On Sunday Cruisers Chuck, Kati, and Dan ran in the Marine Corps Historic Half Marathon and the Marine Corps Semper Fred 5K held in historic Fredericksburg, […]