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As I read somewhere once, you can’t outrun a heart attack, so I’m taking a break from Training Tip Tuesday to bring attention to National Heart Month with a best of blog rerun… American Heart Month February is National Heart Month and during this month we’ll see advertisements on TV, in magazines, and online reminding […]


Disclaimer: This post contains an affiliate link…   It’s no secret that sleep is the weakest link in my quest to lead a healthy lifestyle.   Exercise? I’ve got that down! Nutrition? I naturally choose carrots over cheese puffs. Hydration? 50% of the time my eyeballs are floating. But sleep? I’m getting better, but it’s […]


While celebrating American Heart Month during the month of February, I’ve talked about the importance of physical activity in relationship to heart health… • It’s February: Are You Taking Care of Your Heart Heart? • Keeping Your Heart Healthy • Chor’obics: Turning Chores into Aerobic Workouts Today, I’ll break down the five components of an […]


Chor’obics: Turning Chores into Aerobic Workouts

Minimum Aerobic Recommendations for a Healthier Heart Cardio (aerobic) exercises are activities that increase your heart and breathing rate over an extended period of time. The American Heart Association recommends we get a minimum of 150 minutes of moderately intensive cardio exercise each week. When spread out over the week, as little as 30 minutes […]


We Did It – The Ashburn Trader Joe’s Is Finally A Reality!

We Did It! We did it! After years of wishing, yearning, pining, and possibly harassing the Trader Joe’s corporate offices, I attended the grand opening of the Ashburn, VA store on the morning of September 6th and it was amazing! I’d never attended a grand opening of a store before; in fact, I usually avoid […]


On Tuesday, I talked about the importance of physical activity in relationship to heart health. Today, I’m talking about the five components of an exercise routine and how each contributes to your overall health. I feel best if I can find the time during the week to fit in all four types of exercise into […]


It’s February: Are You Taking Care Of Your Heart?

February is American Heart Month and an excellent time to take stock of your heart health.  To help make the necessary adjustments to get you on the right track to better health, the American Heart Association (AHA) has set up recommendations for physical activity and has laid it all out clearly in the following infographic. […]


The Choice Is Yours – Choose To Be Healthy

Welcome to Wednesday Word, a monthly linkup for everyone, not just health and fitness bloggers. On the first Wednesday of every month you will have a single word prompt to write about. Let your imagination run free and share with your readers your interpretation of that word, or simply use it as inspiration for your post. […]


Sleep Like A Champion

Sleep… Slumber… Shuteye… Snooze… Siesta… No matter how you say, it’s still an important part of our everyday health. So if we’d never consider shorting ourselves of good nutrition, sufficient hydration, and serious training, why would we short ourselves of adequate sleep? Over the past few years I’ve talked about my sleep, or lack thereof… I truly would love […]


Staying Active While On Vacation

It’s that time of year when vacationers are flocking to the beach for a week of fun in the sun, relaxing by the water’s edge, napping, and perhaps enjoying a little too much good food and drink. There’s nothing wrong with that because we’re a nation of hard workers and deserve our well-earned vacations; however, […]


Wake Up, Sunshine!

With marathon training in full force and the need to rise early to get those long runs in while trying to beat the heat, I thought today would be a great day to talk about waking up early and more easily.   I’m normally an early riser, yet overslept and missed my run with my […]


Roasted Asparagus

Roasting or grilling vegetables is one of the best ways to fill up on low-calorie, high-fiber foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals.  Vegetables are complex carbohydrates and aid in providing the body with energy.  Carbohydrates have gotten a very bad rap during the last few years even though they are one of our […]


I’ve always said that one of my long term goals is to run forever.  I’ve written that I want to be the cute little old lady pumping my fist as I mosey across the finish line.  Not that I’m in a rush to grow old; just thinking ahead….. Which leads me to 95-year old Dr. […]


It’s Fit Mama Friday On Fine Fit Day

Today I am super excited to be featured on Carly Pizzani’s blog Fine Fit Day, and to be placed alongside so many other fit mamas!  Please hop on over to her blog and check out Fit Mama Friday, and while you’re there, check out Carly’s other great articles about living a healthy lifestyle! Carly is […]