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My Week Ending With The Chicago Spring Half

This was it. My spring training using Runner’s World Run Less Run Faster came to an end with the Chicago Spring Half Marathon this morning. I enjoyed the training plan very much, and felt it got me to the starting line feeling confident. I stuck to the plan pretty closely up until Ragnar Trail Richmond when […]


Only One More Week Of My Spring Training Cycle

Since there’s no rain in the forecast for the remainder of today, yesterday just might have concluded a seventeen-day rain streak here in Virginia. With all of the rain this past week and limited time to work outside in my yard, I took the opportunity to write my Ragnar Trail Richmond Ultra Recaps, Part 1, Part […]


Rest And Recovery

Happy Mother’s Day to all my running mama friends! And in honor of the occasion, I thought you’d love the picture Don’s Johns tweeted this morning!   My Mother’s Day has been splendid so far! Daniel came over to spend the day, and we FaceTimed with Joseph and Julie in Chicago earlier this afternoon. Daniel picked […]


Five Tips For Recovering From Running A Ragnar Relay

As I attempt to recover from running 34.42 miles in just under 20 hours over the course of three legs at Ragnar Trail Richmond on an ultra team with my MRTT friends, I’m well aware that I’m doing everything wrong. But you know what? I don’t have it in me to change things.      After […]


Another Ragnar Trail Under My Belt, But First…

I’m still on a runner’s high from a very fun weekend with my MRTT friends, especially Megan, since I don’t get to see her very often. My workouts earlier in the week were totally structured around Ragnar Trail Richmond which was coming up on Friday and Saturday. With thirty-some trail miles to cover in three runs, I decided to go […]


Painting Is A Workout, Right?

I’m beginning to think that I will never finish painting… I’d hoped to post pictures of my beautiful new sitting area on our deck where our hot tub used to be, but I was so busy painting this past week that it didn’t even dawn on me to take a picture. To make life crazier, […]


Getting Ready For Outdoor Living And A Race

Bill and I are outdoorsy people, and we spend as much time as possible outside. Wanting to be ready for our first barbecue on the deck whenever spring decided to show us a visit, I started early trying to get all of the outdoor chores knocked out. It wasn’t until this past week that the weather […]


Cheering On North Face Runners During A Muddy Trail Run

Who am I, and what happened to Deb this week? No worries, my training went well; it’s just that I didn’t take the time to take any pictures along the way – until Saturday!   Monday Strength Training – 1 hour Rodney Yee’s Complete Yoga For Beginners (affiliate link) – Yoga ForFlexibility Vigorous Gardening – 2 hours Teeter Hang […]


Five Reasons Ragnar DC Is Going To Be Epic

I’m downright giddy with excitement! Just when I thought I was ready to retire from the whole Ragnar van thing, I’ve signed up to run with yet another team! Keep in mind that there are two types of Ragnar Relays. In one type you sit on your butt in a van anytime you’re not running, and in the […]


Take Me Home Country Roads

When traveling, training can easily go down the drain, but this past week while visiting my mom I was able to get most of my workouts completed. With nothing on our agenda other than enjoying our time together, I had no excuses. I took advantage of Mom spending her mornings sewing, and completed my workouts […]


April True Or April Fool?

Happy April Fools Day! Just for fun today, I’m sharing five running related things about me… Four are true and one is false. You have to figure out which one is the April Fool!   Five running facts about me:   1. I’ve run a 50-mile ultramarathon.  2. I qualified for Boston at my first marathon. […]


Teaching, Training, Celebrating

Shockingly, I took very few pictures this week… Focusing on putting the final touches on my presentation, it was workout, shower, work; workout, shower, work…  Yoga and my Runner’s World Run Less Run Faster (affiliate link) training plan seem to be doing the trick and making me feel great – knock on wood… My workouts look very similar to last week, […]


Staying Fit Through The Ages

As I alluded to on Sunday, Wednesday was a big day for me. Way back in November I had been asked if I was interested in teaching a one-time class for George Mason University’s Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI). I jumped at the chance even though it had been a very long time since I’d been […]


Time Well Spent

I had another busy week with work and working out. This past week I also spent quite a bit of time working on a presentation I have on Wednesday morning. More on that later in the week… The time I spent practicing yoga last week; albeit at a very beginner level, had me feeling so good […]


My Favorite Love To Hate Exercises

I’m one of those people who actually enjoys working out – even lifting weights. For various reasons, many people despise the weight room. Some are intimidated by the huge torturous looking pieces of equipment, some find the repetitiveness of lifting boring, and others simply prefer to be a part of a group exercise class instead of working out on their own. […]


From Winter Blahs To Spring Fever

From running in the snow last Friday to running in shorts and a tank this week, I moved from the winter blahs to developing spring fever at lightning speed! This week was about as busy as any week I’ve seen in a while in both the work and working out departments! As I mentioned on Tuesday, I’ve […]


Topping Off Fueling With Trailside Snacks

Before heading out for a long run, we drink plenty of water, grab a bite to eat, fill our pockets and belts with fuel, and fill up our water bottles or hydration packs. We prepare, we pack, and we see to it that we don’t let our energy run low.  Fuel is extremely important for runners, and […]


It’s Time For A Change, But What?

Fatigued from over five hours of intense yard work on Sunday, I had to convince my sore body that it really would be for the best for it to work with me, and at a minimum, go through the motions of strength training on Monday. Once I got started, my muscles decided to actually cooperate, and I […]


Is It Bedtime Yet?

Well hello again! Remember me? I skipped last week’s Weekly Wrap linkup because I had a less than stellar week to review. A week so insignificant in the workout department that even I would have been bored reading about it. I got my weights in, but only one run; however it was an awesomely fun long run on […]


Finishing The Week With A Valentine’s Day Race

Quick Overview: Monday: Lifted Tuesday: 7-Mile Run Wednesday: Lifted Thursday: 15-Mile Bike Ride Friday: Lifted and 15-Mile Bike Ride Saturday: Watched the 2016 Olympic Trials Marathon (Does that count as a workout?) Sunday: Run Your Heart Out 5K   Tuesday morning we woke up to beautiful snow – the kind that actually sticks to tree branches and creates a winter […]