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Five Foods Commonly Given Up For Lent

Yesterday was Ash Wednesday and marked the first day of Lent in the Christian calendar. Lent is a time of penitence and fasting during the forty days from Ash Wednesday to Easter. Fasting means limiting food intake to modest amounts and eating no meat on Ash Wednesday and the seven following Fridays.  Many Christians choose to “give up” […]


Adding Yoga Back Into My Routine

I’m beginning to worry about my shoveling addiction… After my last morning clients left on Monday, I pulled out my shovel and started to shovel wet, heavy snow off of our upper deck and the stone steps on the side of our house for the next hour. It didn’t need to be done and most of it […]


Catching Up For The First Time In 2016

Today I’m joining Coco at Running With Perserverance, Deborah at Confessions Of A Mother Runner, and Lynda at Fitness Mom Wine Country for their monthly Ultimate Coffee Date linkup!  Be sure to stop by their blogs for a cup of coffee and to say hello; and while you’re there, be sure to check out some […]


Cool Fitness Stuff, And I Need Your Help

During the winter our running needs are a little different than during the summer here in the mid-Atlantic. We go from hot and humid to cold and blustery; although, this year El Niño has made our winter quite a bit milder than usual. Well, with the exception of last week’s blizzard…   We go from starting […]


Finally Digging Out

As I might have mentioned a time or two this week, we had a big snow storm last weekend. A blizzard of that proportion is unusual in the DC area, so I might have gotten a little excited and rattled on about it a little too much.  As a result, I started my very active week […]


Winter Runfessions

Today I’m linking up with Marcia at Marcia’s Healthy Slice for her monthly Runfessions linkup.  Be sure to check out her blog and those of the other great bloggers linking up, too.   ~ Runfession ~ A formal statement admitting that one is guilty of a particular running crime.   I runfess:  There are days when I don’t […]


Five Cardio Workouts To Do During And After A Snow Storm

As I type, the Cruisers and my MRTT chapter are trying to find a place to meet for our group run on Saturday morning. With 34 inches of snow over the weekend, crews are having a hard enough time getting the streets plowed. Understandably, recreational trails are at the bottom of the list for HOA employees trying […]


When Winter Storm Jonas Turned Into Snowzilla

I felt like my entire week was a lead-up to the “blizzard of historic proportions” that was headed our way. I don’t remember when it first entered my radar, but from that moment on, I was in storm prep mode. Monday’s trip to Costco and two times to the grocery store was to restock the […]


Last Week Was A Blur

Well this has been an interesting week… What I lost in steps, I made up for in sleep. I mentioned in last week’s recap that I woke up to vertigo on Sunday morning and that I’d had a pretty rough day. It seems that if I slept well, I felt weird and icky during the day, and […]


Never Assume…

Usually I write much of my Sunday recap during the week as we go along, but I had several things going on and decided that I’d have plenty of time to get to my recap written on Saturday or Sunday, so I focused on living in the current – like getting to visit with both of our sons […]


Chicken And Broccoli ;-)

Let’s face it, I’m human and even though I work with clients daily on how to help them reach or maintain their weight loss goals, I may need a nudge now and then to remind me to practice what I preach. After slipping a little with our eating habits over the holidays, Bill and I have been […]


A Positive Start To The New Year

There’s nothing a runner hates, but loves to talk about more, than an injury… Where do I begin, and which injury do I discuss? And were they really injuries? I’ll keep it brief, or at least as brief as a runner can when discussing an injury… It started on the Thursday morning after our MRTT Christmas […]


A Big Fat F

On Wednesday I talked about Broken Resolutions and promised to let you know how I did on my 2015 goals. As you can see, I didn’t do very well!   So what happened? Consistent Weight Training To Prevent Injuries – 20 points –  This is going to be a post on its own in a few […]


A Test Run

With full intentions to enjoy my family during the holiday week, I wrote out my blog posts last Monday and Tuesday morning, scheduled them to post on Wednesday and Friday, and then set my laptop aside for much of the week. I sneaked in some comment replies, and popped over to a few other blogs to see […]


Two Times We Could Have Gotten Arrested – In One Week

Le’s get the boring stuff over with first so we can jump right in and talk about taking liberties with selfies and putting ourselves in a precarious position with the law. I lifted on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and I’m feeling great which has caused me to pause and reflect on how someone who lifted religiously […]


The Cruisers Reunite!

It was unseasonably warm here in Virginia this past week. So warm, in fact, that I wore shorts and a short sleeved shirt on all of my runs. A late night Redskins Monday night football game kept my friend Tracy and me up too late to meet our 5:30 AM running friends, so we met […]


All I Want For Christmas Is A New PR

  Dear Santa Runner, I have been very good this year. I have been logging my training miles with easy runs, hill repeats, long runs, and the occasional tempo run. I’ve even been pretty good at cross-training, stretching, and foam rolling. I’ve supported the local running scene by running in several area races this year, and I’ve given […]


Truly A Sunday Runday

This week was a blur and all I really seem to remember was a lot of rain. When tallying my run distances for the week I’m shocked! 14.1 miles must be an all-time low for me during a non-injury week. Monday was a drizzly mess, but I managed to get up early and lift before seeing my clients. […]


Let The Craziness Begin!

Last week, planning ahead, I worked out on Sunday so I could move up my Wednesday weight training sessions to Tuesday. I didn’t want an easy excuse to miss a session and since I didn’t want to lift the day before my turkey trot on Thursday, a Wednesday workout wasn’t in the cards. I learned last […]


A Final Week Of Normalcy

As I look out my window at the fallen oak leaves in need of being blown into giant piles and then bagged, I take comfort in being able to put it off another day or two to when the fifteen to twenty MPH winds have died down. If they don’t get done by Thursday, though, all bets […]