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Ask Coach Deb About Gait, Overstretched Hammies, And Taking Selfies

  This months questions come from comments left on a couple of different blog posts during the last month and questions asked on running blogs I visited… Please send your training and running questions my way by commenting below.   Question: How to you get the perspective of you running outside from the ground? Do you use a […]


Tuesday morning brought us the first significant snow of the winter. What was forecast for 6-10 inches ended up being about 4 inches of packed snow due to slightly warmer temperatures and the snow turning over to rain for a while Monday night. By the time I woke up Tuesday, the rain had changed back to […]


Let’s start off with a tidy little disclaimer: I am in no way a yoga expert. I’ve been practicing yoga off and on for about fifteen years – off more than on; however, I have been fairly consistent over the past year. I practice on my own with the help of Rodney Yee’s DVD’s, so without an instructor […]


My college roommate, who later served as my maid of honor, gave Bill and me a wok for our wedding gift. A couple of years later, she shared a gingery Chinese sauce recipe she’d developed, and all these years later I am still using both to make my own version of a delicious gingery chicken and […]


After a couple of weeks of cutting way back on my running due to a wonky sciatic nerve, I woke Monday ready to take on the world and thought perhaps I could resume normal running during the week.  While working out, I sat on the Swiss ball to roll out and make a bridge for doing […]


You! Call 911 And Bring The AED!

    Part of keeping my personal training, weight loss management, and run coaching certifications up to date includes keeping current CPR and first aid certifications; and last night I took care of that for two more years. For the second time, I joined Allison for her Heartsaver (American Heart Association) CPR, AED, and First Aid class. Allison, of Safety […]


The Power Of The Hashtag

About a year ago, I scrolled back through some of the earliest pictures I’d posted on my Instagram account. I noticed that I hadn’t used hashtags on any of those earlier posts and in a moment of boredom, I added a few applicable hashtags to several pictures. What followed next was quite surprising. When I first posted this […]


Since last week, I’ve gently tried to ease back into my workouts. It’s difficult, boring, frustrating, but the smart thing to do – something any runner can understand. We’re a stubborn bunch who like what we do, run. I once forgot to take my running shoes with me to a family reunion in Nashville. Bill […]


If We Were Having Coffee, I’d Insist We Go To Nordstrom’s Café & Coffee Bar

Today I’m joining Deborah at Confessions Of A Mother Runner and Coco at Running With Perseverance for their monthly Ultimate Coffee Date linkup!  Be sure to stop by their blogs for a cup of coffee and to say hello; and while you’re there, be sure to check out some of the other bloggers who are participating in […]


When I’m Not Nimble, At Least I’m Trying

Welcome to Wednesday Word, a monthly linkup for everyone, not just health and fitness bloggers. On the first Wednesday of every month you will have a single word prompt to write about. Let your imagination run free and share with your readers your interpretation of that word, or simply use it as inspiration for your post. […]


2017 Race Linkup: February Edition

Welcome to Race Linkup, a monthly linkup opening on the last Monday of every month and staying open for four weeks. Link your race schedule so everyone can see who else will be at the next race and we can arrange meet-ups with other bloggers and our readers. You can link up your race schedule every month or only when you register for […]


That Time I Didn’t Listen To My Body

Here we go again… Last month I talked about learning the hard way to listen to my body, and as runner’s go I think I’ve gotten pretty good at it – until Tuesday morning. Let’s back up a bit… After Saturday’s early morning bathroom injury, I felt perfectly fine on Sunday so Bill and I headed out […]


Runfessions: Updates And New Ones

~ Runfessions ~ A collection of statements admitting that one is guilty of a variety of running crimes…   I runfess:  I think I may have finally figured out what is going on with my socks. As I mentioned last month, sometimes my socks slip down and gather around the middle of my foot during my run. What has […]


My friends always rave about my colorful tossed salad, so much so, that they’ve dubbed them Debbie Salads. Since my friends seem to enjoy my salads so much, I almost always volunteer to bring one to any dinner party, barbecue, or get together that Bill and I are invited to attend. One would think that a […]


Ask Coach Deb About IT Band Stretches, Injury Preventing Exercises, And Fitting It All In

  This months questions come from comments left on a couple of different blog posts during the last month… Please send your training and running questions my way by commenting below.    Question: I’d love some more ITB stretching tips! Even though I foam roll, mine always seem tight! ~ Asked by Michelle from Movin’ It With Michelle in […]


Sometimes I hitch a ride on the struggle-bus during my runs, but usually I don’t. Oddly, both my Tuesday and Thursday runs seemed extra difficult this week. I lagged behind on Tuesday’s 9:10 average pace run, but managed to hang on for dear life during Thursday’s 8:53 average pace run. Anytime I struggle I remind myself that I’m about […]


How To Throw An Italian Dinner Party

This is one of my favorite Deb Runs non-running posts, edited slightly to update for tonight’s big event…   Tonight is our annual Italian Dinner Party – a night in February where I can shine and make my husband both happy and proud – happy that he’s getting a good home cooked meal; and proud that I try […]


Don’t Leave Them Standing High And Dry

During my interview for the Real Runners Virtual Summit hosted by Katie Heddleston which starts on Monday, I talked about running longevity and how my running has changed as I’ve gotten older. We discussed running for fitness versus training to race at a locally competitive level and what younger runners can do to ensure a long running career. During […]


Just For Fun – Valentine eBibs

Just for fun, and with a little help from ilovetorun, I put together a few Valentine’s Day themed eBibs! Enjoy!   Always thinking about fueling!   Not that I’m competitive or always teasing my hubby or anything!   A girl can never have too many pairs of running shoes!   Missing my favorite running buddy…   Whether […]


The Perfect Valentine’s Day Gift: A Free Entry Into The Real Runners Virtual Summit

  Dear Babe, Flowers die after a few days… You eat the tastiest of my chocolates… I don’t need more jewelry since I work in gym clothes… What I’d really love, though, is for you to surprise me with an entry into the ten-day Real Runners Virtual Summit featuring interviews with a bunch of really awesome runners. The summit […]