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Deleted Calendar, Snow Squalls, and Coming Full Circle To The Nike Pegasus

Monday evening I made the decision to skip my Tuesday morning run with my friends and run/walk with Bill instead. With my running buddy cuddled next to me in our warm bed, we hit snooze several times and missed our run. On Thursday, I’ll be talking about just that – the benefits of having running […]


Sleep Like A Champion

Sleep… Slumber… Shuteye… Snooze… Siesta… No matter how you say, it’s still an important part of our everyday health. So if we’d never consider shorting ourselves of good nutrition, sufficient hydration, and serious training, why would we short ourselves of adequate sleep? Over the past few years I’ve talked about my sleep, or lack thereof… I truly would love […]


I originally hadn’t planned to put the 2017 For The Love Of It 10K on my racing calendar. More often than not, I choose not to sign up for races during January, February, and March. Even though I quite like running in the cold, I don’t like standing around waiting for a race to start while I’m freezing. As […]


A Chilly Race And Marathon TV Watching

Just like the rather bland weather of this past week, my workouts were equally nondescript. At the risk of sounding like a little old lady who loves nothing more than talking about her aches and pains, I’ll mention that I had minor surgery on my arm on Tuesday to remove a basal cell carcinoma – my fiftieth, and […]


If We Were Having Coffee… I’d Order Hot Chocolate

Today I’m joining Deborah at Confessions Of A Mother Runner and Coco at Running With Perseverance for their monthly Ultimate Coffee Date linkup!  Be sure to stop by their blogs for a cup of coffee and to say hello; and while you’re there, be sure to check out some of the other bloggers who are participating in […]


Avoid Derailment – Listen To Your Body

Welcome to Wednesday Word, a monthly linkup for everyone, not just health and fitness bloggers. On the first Wednesday of every month you will have a single word prompt to write about. Let your imagination run free and share with your readers your interpretation of that word, or simply use it as inspiration for your post. […]


Coming Soon: Real Runners Virtual Summit

  As I mentioned last week, the ten-day Real Runners Virtual Summit hosted by Katie Heddleston starts on February 20th. Be sure to check it out because you might recognize a few of your favorite bloggers on her team of twenty-three real runner speakers.  😉 During my interview for the summit, I spoke with Katie about running longevity and how my […]


2017 Race Linkup: January Edition

Welcome to Race Linkup, a monthly linkup opening on the last Monday of every month and staying open for four weeks. Link your race schedule so everyone can see who else will be at the next race and we can arrange meet-ups with other bloggers and our readers. You can link up your race schedule every month or only when you register for […]


Fancy Tights, Sunrises, And Brussels Sprouts

While training clients on Monday morning I watched the cover on our deck table and chairs billow up like a hot air balloon; to the point I was afraid the protective cover would tear. With wind gusts forecast to get up to 80 MPH, I wasn’t at all surprised to see this happen. It wasn’t until later […]


Runfessions: Embarrassing And Otherwise

~ Runfessions ~ A collection of statements admitting that one is guilty of a variety of running crimes…   I runfess:  I am going to shamelessly promote my new Race Linkup here on Runfessions. Our next installment goes live this coming Monday, the last Monday of the month. Won’t you join us by linking up a post with your […]


Farewell Cruisermobile

It had a purpose for thirteen long years, Safely transporting runner friends To races far and near. It wasn’t a Lexus, it wasn’t a Benz, It was simply the Cruisermobile.  Comfortable with its captains chairs And heated leather seats, Friends could ride to races without any cares. To road races we’d go; never track meets, In […]


A Party On The Trail

On Sunday when I recapped my week, I didn’t take the time to mention any of my super fun and sometimes goofy runs from the past week; instead choosing to talk about the Real Runners Virtual Summit coming up in February of which I’m a part. I think the following quote from my interview for the summit best […]


Sneak Peak Of The Real Runners Virtual Summit

  On February 20th, my friend and fellow MRTT mama, Katie Heddleston’s ten-day Real Runners Virtual Summit will commence and I’m pleased to let you know that I was asked by Katie to join in as one of her twenty-three real runner speakers. During my interview, I spoke with Katie about running longevity and how my running has changed as I’ve […]


No Ice, No Group Run, No Bueno

That’s it, I’m done! I will never trust the weather forecast again – until the next time we have snow in the forecast… Let’s back it up a little. I canceled my Cruisers run set for Saturday morning after the ominous forecast of snow falling overnight turning into sleet or freezing rain. I can handle snow, in fact […]


From Routes to Art My very creative and speedy friend Kelley is sidelined for the moment – just recently getting out of one of those big spiffy boots. While she’s out of commission, I thought I’d cheer her up by sharing her fancy running route art with my awesome readers! About a year ago some of our friends started […]


Home Gym Basics

I recently shared Equipment Ideas For The Home Or Office Gym with a new husband/wife client team and followed with suggestions of which pieces of equipment I’d recommend getting first as they build their home gym. I’m a big believer in purchasing home gym equipment gradually and only as needed. My clients were probably relieved that I didn’t […]


You know it’s going to be a good run when your pre-run texts start like this…   Erin and rarely get to run together anymore so when we do, we make sure to keep it fun. We opted to run a little later on Saturday morning due to the cold temperatures in the forecast (17°/feels like […]


Ask Coach Deb About Running In The Cold, Numb Toes, And When Is Too Old To Start Running

  This month’s questions are a collection of questions I was asked while attending various Christmas parties, or that have been sent to me since the holidays… Please send your training and running questions my way by commenting below.    Question: My toes go numb when I run. How can I make this stop?  Coach Deb: Toes […]


The Correlation Between Involvement And Satisfaction

Welcome to Wednesday Word, a monthly linkup for everyone, not just health and fitness bloggers. On the first Wednesday of every month you will have a single word prompt to write about. Let your imagination run free and share with your readers your interpretation of that word, or simply use it as inspiration for your post. […]