Welcome to my weekly series, Training Tip Tuesday. Each week I will focus on a different aspect of training – strength, cardio, flexibility, balance, etc. Today’s Training Tip Learn how to engage the core during exercise and everyday life by applying simple changes to your exercise routine and day-to-day activities. A Quick Review […]
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links A Great Week for Outside Workouts Given the chance, I will always opt to take my cardio workout outside. Both icy conditions and excessive wind will send me to the basement, but whenever possible I prefer the great outdoors and this past week brought several days for such. […]
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links… It’s time to sit down once again with a beverage of your choice and chat – I’ll remind you that I don’t like coffee or tea so my drink of choice today will be water. Let’s chat about things other than just running, cycling, strength training, yoga, […]
Today I’m introducing a new weekly series, Training Tip Tuesday. Each week I will focus on a different aspect of training – strength, cardio, flexibility, balance, etc. Today’s Training Tip Engage your core! What Makes Up the Core Your core is basically your trunk, or the area between the top of the rib […]
A Healthy and Happy New Year As we look at 2022 in the rearview mirror and ring in 2023, I wish you a happy, healthy, and fit 2023! Overview of the Week Before discussing each day’s workouts, here’s an overview of my workouts from this past week. Scroll beyond the infographic for daily details… […]
As the year draws to an end, it’s time to reflect back on 2022 and my year of running, something I’ve been doing as the year dwindles to an end each year since 2014. For whatever reason I can’t find my 2015 post so I can only assume that it’s been sucked into the great […]
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links Wishing You and Yours A Very Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year! Overview of the Week Before discussing each day’s workouts, here’s an overview of my workouts from this past week. Scroll beyond the infographic for daily details… Sunday Drive home from the farm […]
As a couple, Bill and I have never gone out and cut down a Christmas tree. For several years, we purchased our Christmas tree from a nursery, but eventually started buying them from our local volunteer fire department. I reasoned that the fire department would surely sell the freshest-cut trees in town. Looking back, I’m […]
2022 found me toeing the starting line at only two races even though I was mostly injury-free and able to run comfortably using a shorter-distance and fewer-days running schedule that I adopted a few years ago. When I first started this blog almost ten years ago I declared that I wanted to run forever – […]
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links Christmas at the Farm We celebrated an early Christmas with my mom at the farm over the long weekend. Both sons and their families were able to attend and it didn’t take long to realize Pablo would love to be a farm dog running all over the countryside. […]
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links… Let’s face it, Christmas shopping can be difficult when searching for the perfect gift for friends and family, especially when we wait until the last minute. With this in mind, I’ve put together a list of gift ideas for fitness enthusiasts, complete with links for ease in shopping. […]
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links It’s the Busiest Time of Year Prepping for the holidays with shopping, Christmas card prep, gift wrapping, baking, a visit to my dermatologist, a haircut, doing stuff for my mom, family time, completing workouts, hosting a party and attending another party; all in addition to work had me […]
I first posted this in December 2015 and it remains one of my favorite DebRuns posts. I hope you enjoy! The basement was quiet without any noise, No banging or clanging of any gym toys. Just a few empty bottles, and a little spilled water, I nervously wondered if we had a free-loading squatter. Forgetting the season, forgetting […]
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links Picky Walker and Cycler I have been known to run in almost any weather conditions… an 18-mile run in 34° rain comes to mind where near the end of the run I convinced my husband that we needed to run 2 more miles to make it an even […]
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links… It’s time to sit down once again with a beverage of your choice and chat – I’ll remind you that I don’t like coffee or tea so my drink of choice today will be hot chocolate. Let’s chat about things other than just running, cycling, strength training, […]
Disclaimer: This 2022 Ashburn Farm Thanksgiving Day 5K Race recap contains affiliate links… A Thanksgiving Tradition It wouldn’t be Thanksgiving without starting the day with friends at a turkey trot and this year was no exception. In it’s 29th year, this was my 15th year running in our community’s Ashburn Farm Thanksgiving Day 5K […]
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links Running Blogger Friends On Thanksgiving Day while running in a turkey trot in my home town with local friends, I was also running virtually with blogging friends from around the world! Thanks Cari for putting together this collage for us! Overview of the Week Before discussing each […]
Happy Thanksgiving from our home to yours! I have always loved Thanksgiving and yet as busy as I become trying to make everything perfect for my guests, I try to remember that Thanksgiving is a time to… • Reflect and be grateful • Gather with family • Enjoy fall’s bounty • Relax before the pressure […]
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links Three Runs and Now Rest It wasn’t planned, but I ended up running three times last week – a drop in the bucket compared to just a few years ago. Most importantly, everything felt great and I recovered easily and quickly after each run. I’ve got my second […]
Nine years ago I wrote my first birthday letter to myself and have decided to update it each year. Here’s my original post with my age updated in the first paragraph and the addition of this year’s note to myself… Today is my birthday, and I absolutely love birthdays! At my age I celebrate […]