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First off, I really should apologize to any of my readers who saw my Instagram posts last week bragging about how cool our early mornings were and how delightful it felt to run in 60° weather and lower humidity. Late June in the mid-Atlantic region is usually quite hot and miserably humid so any improvement […]


Runfessions Of A Spoiled Runner

~ Runfessions ~ A collection of statements admitting that one is guilty of a variety of running crimes…   I runfess:  That I have been spoiled and gloating about it all week on Instagram. Our weather has been absolutely delightful with temperatures in the low 60’s every morning. On mornings that I wasn’t out enjoying an early morning […]


Race Linkup:  June 2017 Edition

Welcome to Race Linkup, a monthly linkup opening on the last Monday of every month and staying open for four weeks. Link your race schedule so everyone can see who else will be at the next race and we can arrange meet-ups with other bloggers and our readers. You can link up your race schedule every month or only when you register for […]


Running Friends And Cooler Crisp Weather

Having neglected my yoga during the last couple of weeks, I decided to carve out a little more time for it this past week. There’s only so much time in the day and recently yoga has been what I sacrificed to get everything else done. My poses are mostly pretty basic, but for some odd […]


Six Camera Angles For Taking Interesting Running Photos

I often get questions about how I take my running pictures that I post to Instagram and use in my blog. About three years ago I wrote, The Art Of Taking The Perfect Selfie, where I talked about the many different types of running selfies that can be taken. In honor of today’s National Selfie Day – yes, […]


Expanding Beyond Just Personal Training And Coaching

After attending the Club Industry Show in Chicago last October, I came home pumped to add some new classes to Personal Fit Fitness’ offerings. The conference had given me just the confidence I needed to implement some ideas that had been swirling around in my head for just over a year. Prior, other than one-on-one personal […]


The Only Run You’ll Regret Is The One You Skip

After arriving home from our epic Chicago trip late Monday afternoon, I played catch-up all week until we hit the road super-early yesterday morning for a quick overnight visit to see my mom. Sadly, between a busy work schedule and a couple of inconveniently scattered personal appointments, I only fit one run into my week. I didn’t […]


Last week Bill and I pulled up stakes and moved to Chicago… for a week. We snagged a short-term rental on the 29th floor of our son and daughter-in-law’s building and quickly realized that we could get used to living in the city. Seriously, couldn’t you get used to falling asleep to this view every night? Our […]


A Whirlwind Celebration

My life growing up in out in the country on a dairy farm was pretty fabulous and my life today in suburbia isn’t too shabby; however, a tiny part of me has always wished Bill and I had chosen to live in the city instead of the suburbs of Denver when we had the chance. Anytime […]


Seven Tips For Keeping A Positive Mindset On Aging

Welcome to Wednesday Word, a monthly linkup for everyone, not just health and fitness bloggers. On the first Wednesday of every month you will have a single word prompt to write about. Let your imagination run free and share with your readers your interpretation of that word, or simply use it as inspiration for your post. […]


Back On The Running Trail And Feeling Oh-So-Happy!

After two weeks of zero running due to a little gardening injury setback, I hit the running trail on Wednesday for a walk and a few running strides. Those easy strides felt as glorious as the blue sky and white clouds look, and reminded me of why I love my sport so much!    Feeling A-OK from […]


Sunrises, Strawberry Shortcake, And A Forgotten Class

Today I’m joining Deborah at Confessions Of A Mother Runner and Coco at Running With Perseverance for their monthly Ultimate Coffee Date linkup!  Be sure to stop by their blogs for a cup of coffee and to say hello; and while you’re there, be sure to check out some of the other bloggers who are participating in […]


Race Linkup: May 2017 Edition

Welcome to Race Linkup, a monthly linkup opening on the last Monday of every month and staying open for four weeks. Link your race schedule so everyone can see who else will be at the next race and we can arrange meet-ups with other bloggers and our readers. You can link up your race schedule every month or only when you register for […]


Well, That’s Not How We Planned To Start Our Day!

Around 6:30 this morning Bill woke me up and said he could smell smoke. I sleepily mumbled that our neighborhood fireworks were last night and we could probably smell the residual odor from that wafting through our open windows. Luckily he got up to inspect and shouted for me to get out of bed because our […]


Runfessions Of A Whiny Runner

~ Runfessions ~ A collection of statements admitting that one is guilty of a variety of running crimes…   I runfess:  I’ve done it again! I overdid it with my gardening last weekend and aggravated my SI joint. As a result, I’ve spent the week doing bridges, cat/cows, knee-to-chest hugs, hanging on my inversion board (affiliate link), easing up on […]


Being Interviewed And Backyard Critters

A couple of weeks ago I was contacted by Sarah Klein, a reporter with Prevention Magazine, who was writing an article about how to get started running after the age of forty. Since I am a running coach and had treated myself to running my first marathon for my fortieth birthday, she wondered if I would be willing […]


When A Parakeet Matches Your Running Shoes And FOMO

As I stumbled sleepy-eyed into my bathroom at 4:30 AM on Tuesday morning I noticed that I had a text from my first client of the day. Once I saw that she was canceling her appointment, I made a u-turn and grabbed another hour of shut-eye. Heading out for my run around 6:15 AM meant […]


Dear Sixteen-Year-Old Me / Dear Future Me

 Dear 16-year-old me… Lying out in the sun for an hour your first time out was stupid. You’re a fair skinned girl and won’t get a golden tan. What you will end up getting are 3-inch diameter blisters Everywhere your tiny bikini doesn’t cover; And you’ll be planting the seeds for future melanomas.    Dear […]


Forgetting My Shoes On Race Day

I was late getting to packet pickup, to the race, to everything… It was like my head wasn’t in the race and when I finally got my bib and started to pin it on my racing tank, I realized that I didn’t even have a shirt with me and I was going to have to race […]


Cinco De Mayo And A Shocking Lack Of FOMO

Today I’m joining Deborah at Confessions Of A Mother Runner and Coco at Running With Perseverance for their monthly Ultimate Coffee Date linkup!  Be sure to stop by their blogs for a cup of coffee and to say hello; and while you’re there, be sure to check out some of the other bloggers who are participating in […]