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2014 Hokie Half Marathon Expo

Upon arriving in Blacksburg Friday evening and checking into The Inn at Virginia Tech, the host location for the 2nd Annual Hokie Half Marathon & 5K Race Expo, Bill and I were greeted warmly by the staff who immediately asked us if we were there for the race.  They reminded us that the expo would […]


And That’s A Wrap (October 6 – 12)

All of my training this summer was focused toward this past weekend.  I was concerned that I had peaked too early because my Leesburg 20K and Ragnar DC both went very well, and then my body just started rebelling.  I wondered if I had over-trained (or run those two races too hard), because it was […]


Lessons I Learned as a Young Hokie…

It’s no secret that I’m a Hokie fan through and through, and I’m very proud of my alma mater.  So much in fact, that this spring I wrote What It’s Really Like To Be A Hokie.  So on the eve of the Hokie Half Marathon, I’ll shared my lessons learned at Virginia Tech.   Lessons […]


Favorite Fuels For Running And Fitness

It’s time for Friday Five linkup with DC area bloggers Courtney at Eat Pray Run DC, Cynthia at You Signed Up for What?!, and Mar at Mar on the Run!  Be sure to stop by their blogs and say hello! This week’s theme is Favorite Fuels For Running And Fitness, and I’m happy to share what works best for me. 1.  […]


Reasons I Love Running Before The Sun Rises

I’m a self-declared morning person.  I’m the type who is wide awake the second my feet hit the floor in the mornings; although, I have been known to hit snooze a time or two before those feet actually hit the floor.   Back in the spring my MRTT friends and I started meeting at 6:00 […]


Starring In My First Video (September 29 – October 5)

I feel like my first paragraph should read “Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah….”  My training runs have been so-so, at best, since Ragnar.  Adequate, but not exciting; and certainly nothing compared to this summer. Training this summer was going phenomenally well until the Thursday after the Leesburg 20K in mid-August, when I got my first […]


A Group Run, Fat Bastard, And Katy Perry

Pre-run photos are getting harder to take now that it’s staying dark later in the mornings, especially since our MRTT running group starts at zero dark thirty most mornings.  Since we run so many different distances on Saturday mornings, taking a large group picture at the end of our run in out of the question.  […]


Five Fitness Inspirations

It’s time for Friday Five linkup with DC area bloggers Courtney at Eat Pray Run DC, Cynthia at You Signed Up for What?!, and Mar at Mar on the Run!  Be sure to stop by their blogs and say hello!     This week’s theme is Fitness Inspirations… 1.  I am inspired by my clients that make a decision to put […]


Getting Back Into Training, Just In Time To Taper (September 22 – 28)

After giving myself a week to recover after running Ragnar DC, I eased back into running last week as I faced my last three weeks of training for the Hokie Half Marathon. Monday I took Monday off from all workouts. Tuesday I ran my first set of twelve hill repeats (excluding my Ragnar DC legs) […]


2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, And 1997 National Capital 20 Miler Race Recaps

My first race of any distance was the DC Road Runners’ National Capital 20 Miler.  My marathon training was at the mercy of my friend Miles, and he suggested that running a 20-mile race a month before the Marine Corps Marathon would be a great way for me to gauge how prepared I was for […]


My Favorite Fall Activities

It’s time for Friday Five linkup with DC area bloggers Courtney at Eat Pray Run DC, Cynthia at You Signed Up for What?!, and Mar at Mar on the Run! This week’s theme is Five Favorite Fall Activities…   During the fall, I pretty much enjoy doing anything that takes me outside in the cool, crisp, autumn air!  In keeping with […]


A Week Of Recovery (September 15 – 21)

Last week was all about recovering from Ragnar DC.  For those of you that haven’t read my recaps, you can catch up by clicking on Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 , and Part 4, to see how my team, Cruisers Rockin’ The Relay, did. Monday My workout on Monday consisted of me limping down […]


My Racing Bucket List

I’m linking up again this month with Amanda at The Lady Okie and Becka at Sunshine To The Square Inch for their Runner’s Tell All monthly linkup.  Be sure to pop over to their blogs to see what’s on their racing bucket lists, and to see who else is linking up. This month, Amanda and […]


My Five Favorite Decadent, Yummy Things To Eat

It’s time for Friday Five linkup with DC area bloggers Courtney at Eat Pray Run DC, Cynthia at You Signed Up for What?!, and Mar at Mar on the Run! Each week Courtney, Cynthia, and Mar either suggest a theme for that week’s Friday Five Linkup, or leave it up to individual bloggers to come up with their own Free Friday […]


Cruisers Rockin’ The Relay – Ragnar DC Recap Part 4

For those of you just stopping in to read about the Cruisers’ Ragnar DC experience, you can catch up by clicking on Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 to check out my three previous posts. We’ll pickup right after Van 2 finished their overnight legs and were enjoying some down time before hitting the […]


Cruisers Rockin’ The Relay – Ragnar DC Recap Part 2

Picking right up where I left off yesterday in my Ragnar DC recap, today’s post will be all about Van 2’s first set of legs.  If you remember Ravi (from Van 1) had just handed the slap bracelet off to Candy, and Van 2 was in hot pursuit! We caught up with Candy as she […]


Cruisers Rockin’ The Relay – Ragnar DC Recap Part 1

I really don’t know where to start…  How do you sum up such an incredibly amazing weekend in one short blog post?  You don’t… Way back in early April when I registered our team for Ragnar DC, I picked Runner 8 because it seemed like the hardest position overall.  Runner 8 seemed to have a […]


Leading Up To Ragnar (September 8 – 14)

As I approach my targeted fall race, the Hokie Half Marathon, I’m hoping to peak at just the right time.  Having two other big races a month and two months prior has its advantages and disadvantages.  On the plus side, I’m able to test my training to see where I am in the way of […]


Twelve Cruisers Became Ragnarians Today

It’s over…  I’m a Ragnarian, and I’m feeling the blues like it’s the day after Christmas.  What now?  There’s no planning, no organizing, no packing; just basking in the afterglow of a job well done by my amazing team of friends! This evening’s post isn’t a recap.  It’s just to let you know that we […]