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Peer pressure may usually have a negative connotation, but in this case it was a good thing and worked out in my favor. Erin couldn’t stand the thought of missing out on all of the fun, so she signed up for the Run With Santa 5K at the last minute! She even picked up my […]


The Cruisers Reunite!

It was unseasonably warm here in Virginia this past week. So warm, in fact, that I wore shorts and a short sleeved shirt on all of my runs. A late night Redskins Monday night football game kept my friend Tracy and me up too late to meet our 5:30 AM running friends, so we met […]


All I Want For Christmas Is A New PR

  Dear Santa Runner, I have been very good this year. I have been logging my training miles with easy runs, hill repeats, long runs, and the occasional tempo run. I’ve even been pretty good at cross-training, stretching, and foam rolling. I’ve supported the local running scene by running in several area races this year, and I’ve given […]


Memories Of Finding The Perfect Tree

As a couple, Bill and I have never gone out and cut down a Christmas tree.  For several years, we purchased our Christmas tree from a nursery, but then we started buying them from our local volunteer fire department.  I reasoned that the fire department would surely sell the freshest-cut trees in town.  Looking back, […]


So Much To Celebrate

Welcome to Wednesday Word, a weekly linkup for everyone, not just health and fitness bloggers. Each Wednesday you will have a single word prompt to write about.  Let your imagination run free and share with your readers your interpretation of that word, or simply use it as inspiration for your post. Today’s word is celebrate…..  […]


Truly A Sunday Runday

This week was a blur and all I really seem to remember was a lot of rain. When tallying my run distances for the week I’m shocked! 14.1 miles must be an all-time low for me during a non-injury week. Monday was a drizzly mess, but I managed to get up early and lift before seeing my clients. […]


The Elf On The Kettlebell

The basement was quiet without any noise, No banging or clanging of any gym toys. Just a few empty bottles, and a little spilled water, I nervously wondered if we had a free-loading squatter. Forgetting the season, forgetting the time, I was slightly afraid we were victims of crime. With weights out of place the last week or so, One to be […]


I’m All About Tradition

Welcome to Wednesday Word, a weekly linkup for everyone, not just health and fitness bloggers. Each Wednesday you will have a single word prompt to write about.  Let your imagination run free and share with your readers your interpretation of that word, or simply use it as inspiration for your post. Today’s word is tradition…..  […]


On Thanksgiving morning I joined my Cruiser and MRTT friends for the 22nd annual Ashburn Farm Thanksgiving Day 5K. It’s become a fun tradition that I couldn’t imagine skipping. This fun race has 10K, 5K, and 2K distances so there’s a fit for everyone! Packet pick-up was super easy, and even though I couldn’t get there until […]


Let The Craziness Begin!

Last week, planning ahead, I worked out on Sunday so I could move up my Wednesday weight training sessions to Tuesday. I didn’t want an easy excuse to miss a session and since I didn’t want to lift the day before my turkey trot on Thursday, a Wednesday workout wasn’t in the cards. I learned last […]


Happy Thanksgiving, My Friends

I’m beyond excited today because Joseph and Julie are here from Chicago for the weekend, and even though Daniel lives only thirty minutes away, he arrived this afternoon with a packed bag. As children grow up and leave the nest, holidays become all the sweeter with their return visits home.  I have always loved Thanksgiving….. A […]


It’s A Bountiful Life

Welcome to Wednesday Word, a weekly linkup for everyone, not just health and fitness bloggers. Each Wednesday you will have a single word prompt to write about.  Let your imagination run free and share with your readers your interpretation of that word, or simply use it as inspiration for your post. Today’s word is bountiful (suggested […]


Gift Ideas For Runners; Or Treats For Yourself

Let’s face it, Christmas shopping can be a drag when searching for the perfect gift for even the most special person on our list; and it can be even more difficult to come up with wish list ideas for ourselves. With this in mind, I’ve put together a list of gift ideas for runners, complete with links […]


Hey Legs, Thank You!

During this month of Thanksgiving and gratitude, I think my legs deserve a shout-out. They do a lot for me every day and it’s easy to forget to thank them!   Hey Legs, I know I get annoyed at you for your hair growing abilities, and sometimes neglect in keeping you silky smooth; however, I really do appreciate you and […]


A Final Week Of Normalcy

As I look out my window at the fallen oak leaves in need of being blown into giant piles and then bagged, I take comfort in being able to put it off another day or two to when the fifteen to twenty MPH winds have died down. If they don’t get done by Thursday, though, all bets […]


Five Favorite Holiday Drinks

As the days get shorter and the nights get cooler, you’ll find my choice of drinks changing from light summer cocktails to hardier beverages just in time for the holidays. Water of course, will always top my list, but these delicious beverages help make the holidays merrier.   Favorite holiday drinks: 1.  Water – Good […]


Worthy of Cherishing

Welcome to Wednesday Word, a weekly linkup for everyone, not just health and fitness bloggers. Each Wednesday you will have a single word prompt to write about.  Let your imagination run free and share with your readers your interpretation of that word, or simply use it as inspiration for your post. Today’s word is cherish…..  […]


Wrapping Up My Birthday Week!

First of all, aren’t you thrilled that my birthday is behind me, and I won’t be talking about it again for about fifty weeks – after today’s post… 😉 After a super early morning weight lifting session followed by training a few clients, Monday really got going with a Cruisers’ reunion of sorts at The Mellow […]


Two years ago I wrote my first birthday letter to myself and have decided to update it each year. Here’s my original post with my age updated in the first paragraph and the addition of this year’s note to myself…    Today is my birthday, and I absolutely love birthdays!  At my age I celebrate the […]


Ten Tips For Feeling Young

On Wednesday while exploring what  ageless means to me, I had a chance to share how I feel that age isn’t just a number. I think it all boils down to enjoying life and not getting hung up on your age. I’m talking about age a lot this week because I turn 58 tomorrow. I’m at the age where my […]