I don’t want to say, “I told him so,” but I told him so… Back in mid-December Bill went out for a run just before it got dark. I had suggested that he go running while it was still light out because there were patches of snow melted on the trail that would be dangerously […]
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Category: Giveaway
What comes down, must get shoveled away! Fortunately I don’t mind shoveling, too much… This morning I waited until 8:30 to shovel the driveway because when I got up the temperature was 2° and the wind chill was -15°. I think it had warmed up to a balmy -10° wind chill by the time I […]
This morning I was torn… I woke up and a quick check out the window showed dry pavement and 30 degrees on the thermometer. With a forecast of snow on the horizon I couldn’t decide if I should run before I started seeing clients or after. Since my next opportunity to run wouldn’t be until […]
The first time I heard about Yaktrax was back in 2007 when running with a friend, make that, trying to run with a friend on a very icy and snowy W&OD Trail. He was wearing something on his shoes that reminded me of a pair of tire chains. He confidently plowed ahead, while I dodged […]
Thank you to everyone that participated in my SPIbelt giveaway! I wish that everyone that entered could have won! To select the winner, I just pushed the magic Rafflecopter button… And Rafflecopter did its thing and Emma came up as the winner of the free ! Emma won with her comment, “I would be happier […]
Remember this summer when I shared photos from my parents’ garden? Mom sent us home yesterday with a basket full of just picked tomatoes! This basket was overflowing with tomatoes until I shared with Joseph, Julie, and some friends! There’s nothing like a freshly sliced garden tomato! Interesting facts about tomatoes: Tomatoes are members of […]
Saturday morning I woke up at 4 AM to get my day started. Only two things will get me up that early without complaining. Running and Virginia Tech football… We rolled into Blacksburg at 9:30 AM on a perfect fall day for the 1:30 PM kickoff. We tailgate with several other couples that we were […]
Today was one heck of a busy day with lots of driving (riding for me), tailgating, cheering, and all around having a great time; and I’m just now getting around to giving you two minutes of my undivided attention! Let’s just say that my day involved a little bit of this… And this… Questions: […]
When Bill and I headed out for an early morning run, it was only 55 degrees… My kind of weather! 🙂 I decided to run ten miles today since I won’t be able to join the Cruisers tomorrow morning for our long run. I couldn’t convince any of them to call into work sick and […]
I’m having a little bit of work done in my home gym so it’s a bit of a mess for the next month or so. Don’t worry, you’ll get before-and-after pictures once it’s done. Anyway, luckily for me the weather has been gorgeous here this week, so I’ve been taking my clients out to the […]
Bill got totally spoiled this morning when I made him a hot breakfast. This just goes to show that miracles do happen! Don’t get used to it, Babe! 😉 And later today at the grocery store I bought him this surprise! When we were first married and lived in Utah, we couldn’t find Entenmann’s in […]
I have some very exciting news about another giveaway that I am starting today! One lucky reader will win a free Original SPIbelt (SPIbelt = small personal item belt). While perusing the Virginia Wine Country Half Marathon Expo, I stopped by the SPIbelt booth and talked to their sales rep, Megan, about their products. I […]
For the last two months my friend/client Betty has volunteered at a local used book sale to benefit our county’s library foundation. While working she came across this book and naturally thought of me. I have absolutely no idea why! 😉 I have flipped through it and love that it is set up with a […]
How appropriately that on the last day of my $35 Road ID e-coupon giveaway, Bill pulled out new Asics to wear on our run. I was able to capture his ceremonial switching of his Road ID from his old shoes to his new shoes! Pull the Velcro strip apart and remove from the old shoes… […]
Contrary to almost all of my other race photos, both of my feet are not planted firmly on the ground in this picture from Thursday’s Firecracker 5K; however, I’m looking at my watch just like in all other finish line photos of me. All races in the =PR= Race Series have photographers out on the […]
Remember my post It’s A Runner Thing on Wednesday? Well, it got a little long and I didn’t get to post all of the crazy, strange, and funny things we runners are known to do, so I decided to finish it up today focusing on what we do at races! How many times have you […]
Happy Fourth of July! We started our morning off with a BANG by running in the =PR= Potomac River Running Firecracker 5K. They do things right, and today’s race didn’t disappoint! The following quote is from the race web site: This is a wonderful opportunity to give thanks and show your support to our local […]
We’re a quirky bunch, we runners… We do odd little things and don’t think twice about it, yet our non-running friends think we’re nuts. When I tell my friends something about a one of my runs and they don’t understand, I say, “Never mind, it’s a runner thing.” So buckle your seat belts, sit back, […]
Last week I wrote I’ve Become a Lazy Runner, and set some long overdue goals for myself. Run forever Continue to work on my running form (huge improvement from last year) Become competitive in my age group at our local 5K’s Do a tempo run one day per week Run four to five days a […]
I am so excited to team up with Road ID to give away a $35 e-coupon to one of my lucky readers… It’s like Christmas in July! And guess what, Road ID was so generous that they gave me two $35 e-coupons! That’s right, if you don’t win this e-coupon, you’ll have a chance to […]